Computer Talk Charity Week

Winning cupcakesLast year, for the ‘Wear it Pink’ campaign in aid of Breast Cancer Now, our employees were invited to wear pink to work, and to donate for the privilege. We also encouraged donations for some delicious cakes. Computer Talk was a little smaller then, so it was a big achievement that we raised a little over £90.

This year, we decided to raise much more. Instead of a single day of fundraising, we hosted a week of cakes, competitions, games and pink. The response from our team was truly overwhelming, and we raised so much more than the initial target.
rainbow cakeThroughout the week we organised  a mini bake off, where our directors generously donated a shopping voucher for the winner. We had everything from cupcakes to quiche, and brownies to cheesecakes! By the Friday, everyone was feeling a little full, but they still found room in their belly and change in their pocket to sample the winning delights above. A special mention should go to one of our Projects’ Team for her brilliantly beautiful rainbow creation!

One lucky Computer Talk employee found himself winning half of the entire stake put up for our ‘guess the picture’ game. The other half of course went straight into the charity pot.

Thanks to Impero

At Computer Talk we have quite a soft spot for our partners at Impero…and we have an even softer spot for pizza. Thankfully our partnership was deemed strong enough for Impero to generously donate some pizzas to our office so that we could donate per slice of pizza. We only wish that we managed to capture the look on the Computer Talk employee that opened the door to receive the delivery… Big thanks for filling us up, Impero!


So, after a week of shaking a collection box, cakes and general enjoyment at the Computer Talk Offices, how much did we raise?

A fantastic £225, including gift aid!

Let’s see what next year will bring…